Dallas Breast Lift (Mastopexy) Surgery

Breast Lift

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    Dallas Breast Lift (Mastopexy) Specialist

    A breast lift (i.e., a mastopexy) is a surgery that is designed to enhance the overall contour of the breast. Women in and around Dallas who have sagging breasts (i.e., pendulous or drooping breasts) and oversized nipple-areolar complexes are attaining the perkier, more youthful-looking breasts they desire with this breast-enhancement procedure.

    Why Do Women Have a Breast Lift in Dallas?

    Many women consider their breasts to be a symbol of femininity. Furthermore, the shape and position of a woman’s breasts can impact the perceived length of her torso and her overall stature.

    Breast Characteristics Affect a Woman’s Overall Stature?

    In general, people consider perky breasts to be a sign of youth and fitness. On the other hand, a woman with pendulous breasts appears to have a short torso and poor posture. As such, if a woman is unhappy with the way her breasts look, she may become self-conscious about her overall appearance.

    What Can Dr. Law Accomplish With a Breast Lift?

    With a mastopexy in Dallas, Dr. Law enhances the appearance of his patients’ breasts by raising them to a higher location on the chest. During this breast enhancement procedure, the surgeon can also address asymmetrical breasts, overly large nipple-areolar complexes, flat or elongated nipples and overstretched breast skin. He can also improve the appearance of narrow or wide breasts.

    Aesthetic Benefits of a Mastopexy in Dallas

    Avoiding the breast changes that result from pregnancy, weight fluctuations, breastfeeding and the natural aging process is nearly impossible. Nonetheless, as an experienced plastic surgeon, Dr. Law can contour a woman’s breasts and change their location to provide her with a more youthful form.

    Aesthetic benefits of a breast lift:

    • Breasts that appear more even in size and shape.
    • An improvement in breast symmetry.
    • Breasts that are higher on the chest, which improves the patient’s stature and silhouette.
    • Smaller nipple-areolar complexes on the patient’s newly contoured breasts.
    • Elimination of excess, overstretched skin and deep wrinkles on the breasts.
    • More youthful looking breasts.

    Issues that Dr. Law is unable to address with a mastopexy in Dallas:

    • Deflation in the upper pole of the breasts.
    • Poor skin quality.
    • Small breasts. Although Dr. Law is unable to increase the size of the breasts with a lift, he can perform a breast implant procedure (i.e., a breast augmentation) during the same surgical session as a lift.
    • Large breasts. Women who would like smaller breasts should consider having a combination procedure that includes a mastopexy and a breast reduction.

    Reasons the Breasts Change

    As time passes, there is a natural decline in breast tissue density. And a decrease in collagen production leads to a loss of elasticity, which causes the skin to lose its ability to recoil. The inability of the skin to bounce back results in it becoming overstretched. The combination of these changes causes the breast to appear deflated, and it begins to sag.

    Additional contributors to breast changes:

    • Weight fluctuations.
    • Gravity.
    • Aging.
    • Breastfeeding.
    • Pregnancy.
    • Genetics.

    Who Should Have a Dallas Breast Lift?

    Women in Dallas who have elongated, droopy breasts that have lost their shape or breasts with nipples that point downward, may want to consider having a mastopexy.

    Who Should Avoid a Mastopexy in Dallas?

    Women who plan to lose a significant amount of weight or become pregnant should hold off on having a mastopexy because weight loss, pregnancy and breastfeeding can negate their mastopexy results.

    An Initial Consultation for a Breast Lift in Dallas

    Dr. Huay-Zong Law and his medical team want to provide each patient with optimal results. For this reason, every patient has an initial consultation. During this appointment, patients must discuss their medical history, current medication, vitamin and herbal supplement use. Dr. Law also needs to know what their goals are in reference to a breast lift.

    Dr. Law encourages his patients to ask questions because knowing what to expect usually helps patients feel less anxious about their mastopexy procedure. Patients should consider creating a list of questions to bring with them to this appointment.

    After gathering the patient’s history, Dr. Law assesses her breasts. He may take measurements and photos to use as he creates the patient’s personalized breast lift treatment plan. These photos also provide a way for him to evaluate the patient’s overall results.

    Customized Mastopexy Procedures in Dallas

    Since everyone is unique, creating a well-thought-out breast lift treatment plan for each patient is vital. As such, Dr. Huay-Zong Law uses his experience and artistic vision to create a custom-designed treatment plan for each of his patients.

    Patients who are having a combination of procedures during a single surgical session will receive a treatment plan that includes specific information about each of their procedures.

    A Breast Lift in Dallas — Incision Options

    There are three types of incisions that plastic surgeons can use while performing a mastopexy. Incision options include the anchor incision (i.e., an inverted-T incision), the keyhole incision (i.e., lollipop incision or short scar) or the circumareolar incision (i.e., donut or periareolar incision). Dr. Law bases his incision recommendation for a patient on the degree of sagging she has, as well as the size and shape of her breasts.

    The Anchor Incision

    Dr. Law might recommend this type of incision for a patient when she has moderate-to-severe sagging.

    Creating an anchor incision:

    This incision involves making an incision around the nipple-areolar complex, down the center of the breast to the crease at its base and then along the crease.

    This approach allows Dr. Law to remove any excess and unnecessary skin. He will also manipulate the breast tissue, tailoring it to provide the patient with the breast shape she desires.

    The Circumareolar Incision

    Dr. Law may recommend the circumareolar incision when a patient has relatively mild sagging.

    To create the circumareolar incision:

    Dr. Law makes an incision along the border of the nipple-areolar complex. Through this donut incision, Dr. Law can remove excess tissue and skin to reshape and lift the patient’s breast.

    Since the skin of the nipple-areolar complex is darker than the skin surrounding it, the scar the donut incision creates is easy to conceal.

    The Keyhole Incision

    Dr. Law usually recommends this incision for his breast lift patients who have moderate sagging.

    How Dr. Law creates a keyhole incision:

    He makes an incision around the nipple-areolar complex and extends it down the breast to the crease at its base.

    Nipple-Areolar Complex Reduction During a Dallas Mastopexy

    Once Dr. Law moves the patient’s breast mounds to a location higher on her chest, he will reshape them and then, if necessary, he will also decrease the size of her nipple-areolar complexes. After reducing the size of the complexes, he positions them on the patient’s lifted, beautifully shaped breast mounds.

    Procedures Dr. Law Can Perform With a Dallas Breast Lift

    Many of Dr. Law’s mastopexy patients choose to have multiple breast enhancement procedures done during a single surgical session.

    Common breast-enhancement procedures combined with a breast lift are:

    A Breast Reduction

    A breast reduction (i.e., a reduction mammoplasty or a reduction mammaplasty) allows patients to decrease the painful and bothersome symptoms associated with having overly large breasts. Some of these symptoms include grooves in the shoulders as well as neck, back and shoulder pain. A reduction mammaplasty also provides the patient with a result that appears more proportionate.

    Breast Implant Surgery

    Breast implant surgery (i.e., a breast augmentation) addresses loss of breast fullness. During a mastopexy, Dr. Huay-Zong Law can add volume to the patient’s breasts with saline or silicone implants.

    Why Do Women Choose To Have a Mastopexy at Law Plastic Surgery?

    Using a comprehensive approach, Dr. Law combines state-of-the-art technologies and innovative techniques with his artistic vision and skill to give his patients beautiful, natural-looking results. Furthermore, since each person is unique, Dr. Law takes the time to create personalized breast lift treatment plans.

    Transportation Following a Mastopexy

    Since a mastopexy is an outpatient procedure and patients receive general anesthesia, they remain asleep throughout their surgery. As such, following their procedure, patients must refrain from driving for 24 hours. Therefore, on the day of surgery, patients must arrive at the hospital with a driver.

    For Hire Transportation

    Dr. Law cares about the safety of his patients, as such, he does not permit the use of public or for-hire transportation following procedures that require general or twilight anesthesia. Therefore, patients who arrive at the hospital without a driver will need to reschedule their breast enhancement procedure.

    Pain Medication and Driving After a Dallas Breast Lift

    Patients who are taking pain medication must also refrain from driving until they are able to stop taking it.

    The Breast Lift Procedure

    The Pre-Surgical Area

    While preparing the patient for surgery, Dr. Law measures and marks the patient’s breasts. Patients should feel free to ask questions as he prepares them for surgery.

    A General Overview of Breast Lift Surgery in Dallas

    A mastopexy usually takes from 2 to 4 hours to complete. Women with more severe sagging as well as those who are having multiple enhancement procedures will be in the surgical suite longer.

    1. Once the patient is comfortably asleep, Dr. Law begins the mastopexy.
    2. After creating the incision, Dr. Law carefully trims away excess skin, breast tissue and fat.
    3. Dr. Law shapes the breast mounds.
    4. He pulls the remaining skin taut, shapes and repositions the patient’s breast mounds higher on her chest.
    5. If necessary, Dr. Law reduces the size of the nipple-areolar complexes before repositioning them on her newly shaped breasts.
    6. While closing the patient’s incisions, Dr. Law uses a suture layering technique. This closure method can promote healing and minimize scarring.
    7. Dr. Law applies dressings or bandages.
    8. Patients receive a support bra. This bra helps manage inflammation. In addition, Dr. Law places a drainage tube near the surgical site. This tube reduces inflammation by providing a place for excess fluid to exit the body. Swelling typically subsides within a few days.

    Home Care

    Patients receive specific instructions about caring for their incisions. Patients may also receive a prescription for pain medication or a recommendation for an over-the-counter medication to treat their pain.


    As the breasts heal, the inflammation reduces. The results gradually begin to become more evident. Final breast lift results appear a few months after surgery. Patients can expect their breasts to look natural, beautiful and more youthful.

    Preparing for a Dallas Breast Lift

    To help their body as it heals, patients need to eat a healthy diet that includes plenty of protein before and after their mastopexy.

    Dr. Law may order lab tests and request that the patient have a consultation with her doctor to receive medical clearance for surgery.

    He usually orders a baseline mammogram for the patient to have before her mastopexy. Once healing is complete, the patient has another mammogram. Radiologists use these results for comparison purposes.

    To ensure that Dr. Law receives the patient’s test results and physician clearances in time, she must have these activities completed at least two weeks prior to her breast lift in Dallas.

    Since nicotine negatively affects the body’s ability to heal itself, patients must refrain from smoking 16 weeks prior to and 16 weeks following their breast enhancement surgery.

    Avoid alcohol for two days before and two days after surgery. In addition, patients who receive pain medication must refrain from consuming alcoholic beverages until they no longer need to take the medication.

    Medication, Vitamin and Herbal Supplement Use

    For at least 10 days before and 10 days after surgery, patients need to stop taking or decrease the dose of certain medications, vitamins (e.g., vitamin E, fish oil) and herbal supplements (e.g., St. John’s Wort).

    It is imperative that patients who are taking prescription medication or any physician recommended over-the-counter products consult with their doctor before they decrease their dose of or stop taking these medications.

    If a patient has to take pain medication within the 10-days before her mastopexy, acetaminophen is typically an acceptable option.

    Patients Need a Driver and a Caregiver

    Patients need to ask someone they trust to drive them to the hospital and then home. Furthermore, the patient needs a caregiver to care for her for at least 24 hours after her breast enhancement procedure.

    Recovery Time Frame Following a Breast Lift in Dallas

    Week One

    Patients should expect to experience mild pain and discomfort. They will also have moderate inflammation, bruising, numbness and tingling. These symptoms fade with time.

    Three to Four Months

    Inflammation gradually improves and the patient’s new breast shape becomes evident.

    12 Months

    At the 12-month mark, the incisions and breast shape fully mature.

    Breast Lift Recovery

    Following a mastopexy, patients need to take three to five days off work. Nonetheless, if a patient works a physically strenuous position, she may need to take additional time off.

    Returning to Normalcy

    Most patients are able to return to their normal activities within a month of their mastopexy procedure.


    Swelling usually peaks at day three and then begins to subside.


    A fully mature scar is the same color as the skin surrounding it. Pink scars are still maturing.

    Some scarring is inevitable. However, Dr. Law uses his experience to create incisions that blend in with the body’s anatomy.

    In addition, patients need to refrain from exposing their incisions to UV light (e.g., the sun and tanning beds) until they are fully mature. If a patient exposes a pink scar to UV light, permanent discoloration is likely. This exposure can also result in the scar thickening.

    Sleeping After a Breast Lift in Dallas

    To prevent an interruption to the healing process and the onset of unnecessary pain, patients must sleep on their back with pillows beneath their head and shoulders for the several weeks after a breast-enhancement procedure.

    Applying Direct Pressure To the Breasts

    For a few weeks, patients need to avoid putting direct pressure on their breasts. Avoiding direct pressure prevents incision disruption and ensures the patient does not experience unnecessary pain and incision disruption.

    Patients Wear a Support Bra

    For several weeks following their Dallas breast enhancement procedure, patients need to wear their support bra. This bra helps decrease inflammation and promote healing.

    Nipple Sensitivity Following a Mastopexy

    Directly following surgery, some patients experience changes in nipple sensation. However, with time, normal nipple sensitivity returns.

    Recovering After a Dallas Mastopexy

    Unless otherwise instructed, patients can shower several hours after their mastopexy procedure.

    If Dr. Law uses non-dissolving sutures, when she returns to Law Plastic Surgery for her post-operative visit, Dr. Law removes them.

    Following suture removal, patients may need to apply a thin layer of ointment to their incisions.

    To support their breasts, for the initial three to four weeks following surgery, patients will wear a surgical bra. They need to wear this bra 24 hours a day, only removing it when they shower.

    About four weeks after surgery, patients can begin performing light exercises.
    For at least six weeks, patients need to refrain from participating in Pilates, yoga, intense exercise, and heavy lifting.

    Post-Surgical Instructions

    Patients receive specific instructions following their breast lift in Dallas.

    These instructions may include:

    • How to properly care for their breasts. This care may include applying a topical ointment to the incisions.
    • When to return for their follow-up appointment.
    • Medications to take to reduce the likelihood of infection and aid in the healing process.
    • The signs and symptoms that indicate the presence of an infection.

    How Long Will Dallas Breast Lift Results Last?

    The results of a mastopexy are long-lasting. However, the breasts will continue to age.

    What Can a Patient Do To Retain Her Mastopexy Results?

    Patients can help retain their results by making healthy lifestyle choices and maintaining their weight.

    Mastopexy Risks and Potential Complications

    As with any surgical procedure, complications are possible. Nonetheless, the best way to decrease the likelihood of experiencing a complication is to choose an experienced surgeon, like Dr. Law, to perform a Dallas breast lift.

    Risks of a mastopexy in Dallas include:

    • Asymmetrical results.
    • A negative reaction to the anesthesia.
    • Hematoma formation.
    • Infection.
    • Excess bleeding.
    • Visible scarring.
    • Irregularly shaped breasts.
    • Changes in breast or nipple sensation, which can be temporary or permanent.
    • Fat necrosis.
    • Fluid accumulation.
    • Deep vein thrombosis.
    • Infection.
    • Pulmonary and cardiac complications.
    • Poor incision healing.
    • The need for a revision.
    • Partial or total loss of the nipple-areolar complex.

    Dr. Law discusses these risks with his patients before their breast enhancement procedure in Dallas.

    The Cost of a Dallas Mastopexy

    To find out what a mastopexy procedure costs, please schedule a consultation with Dr. Law.

    Can Health Insurance Cover a Dallas Breast Lift?

    Since a mastopexy is a cosmetic procedure, most health insurance companies will not cover it.

    Dr. Huay-Zong Law is certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery. His desire to provide each of his patients with optimal breast enhancement procedure results make him one of the top plastic surgeons in and around Dallas. If you have breasts that prevent you from wearing certain types of clothing or make it difficult for you to participate in everyday activities, a breast lift may be for you. To book an appointment with Dr. Law, please call Law Plastic Surgery. The office number is (972) 331-1900. Dr. Law’s office is at 7777 Forest Lane, Suite C-528, in Dallas.



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