Correction of the deviated septum, and use of the cartilage for grafts to buttress the airway, helped to improve his nasal symmetry and ease of breathing.

This man had a history of a cleft lip and a lifetime of difficulty breathing through his nose. The septum (or wall between the two nostrils) is deviated away from the cleft, and the cartilage on the cleft side is usually smaller and weaker. Correction of the deviated septum, and use of the cartilage for grafts to buttress the airway, … Read More

A septorhinoplasty and revision of her pharyngeal flap improved her breathing and refined her nasal tip, with no negative effects on her speech.

This woman had a history of a cleft palate, with severe nasal obstruction and a pharyngeal flap contributing to sleep apnea. A septorhinoplasty and revision of her pharyngeal flap improved her breathing and refined her nasal tip, with no negative effects on her speech. There’s nothing like being able to get a good night’s sleep! For more, visit our Cleft … Read More

Usually we wait until after skeletal maturity and jaw surgery before offering a cleft rhinoplasty.

Usually we wait until after skeletal maturity and jaw surgery before offering a cleft rhinoplasty. However, if nasal obstruction and symptoms are severe, nasal reconstruction before jaw surgery is sometimes done, knowing that a second surgery may be needed after the maxilla is moved forward. Here, septal deviation and airway collapse led to nasal obstruction, sleep apnea, and difficulty with … Read More

I performed a rhinoplasty to straighten a deviated septum, and used the removed cartilage from the septum to make grafts that helped to straighten and support the nasal passages.

This gentleman has a history of a cleft lip and nasal deviation, with severe difficulty breathing through his nostrils. I performed a rhinoplasty to straighten a deviated septum, and used the removed cartilage from the septum to make grafts that helped to straighten and support the nasal passages. We also chose to perform a genioplasty, moving the chin forward to … Read More

This handsome young man has a history of a unilateral cleft lip and palate.

This handsome young man has a history of a unilateral cleft lip and palate. He is seen here 7 months after jaw surgery (maxillary advancement, mandibular setback, and chin advancement), and 1 month after rhinoplasty. His occlusion (or how his teeth fit together) is now centered and leveled, with the teeth now able to chew optimally. This will help with … Read More

Facial asymmetry is normal to some extent in most people.

Facial asymmetry is normal to some extent in most people. Sometimes it may be due to underlying differences in bone structure – like in craniosynostosis, hemifacial microsomia, or a facial cleft. Here, her nasal tip and nasal bones are subject to a subtle craniofacial “twist” from a history of craniosynostosis, even after previous cranial vault reconstruction. There is less projection … Read More