A tummy tuck and liposuction together are a powerful way to contour the trunk.

A tummy tuck and liposuction together are a powerful way to contour the trunk. This beautiful woman in her 40’s had over 80lbs of weight loss and 5 previous children. She had loose skin after her weight loss. She also had moderate diastasis recti, or widening of the fascia between the six pack muscles. Panniculectomy involves just the removal of … Read More

I keep tummy tuck patients for observation overnight.

2 months after fleur-de-lis tummy tuck. Re: Recovery — I keep tummy tuck patients for observation overnight. This helps with pain control, care of drains as needed, early walking, and receiving a blood thinner shot 8 hours after surgery. The biggest risk I worry about is a blood clot (DVT) that can travel from the legs up to the lungs … Read More

Early post-op results after a cleft rhinoplasty.

Early post-op results after a cleft rhinoplasty. Bringing the alar base forward is especially challenging if not released and augmented at the time of the primary lip repair. Volume can be added with a rib cartilage graft (self vs MTF), but the lining required release and some recruitment from the surrounding tissue. The asymmetry in the lower lateral cartilages can … Read More

1 month after cleft rhinoplasty and scar revision.

1 month after cleft rhinoplasty and scar revision. Main goals Breathe better Appear more symmetric Refine the tip The septum tends to follow the cleft palate posteriorly, blocking the nasal passage on that side. Anteriorly, the septum is usually pulled to the noncleft side by an imbalance of muscle attachments to the caudal septum. Resetting/resecting the septum helps improve those … Read More

Here, septoplasty, multiple grafts (spreader, lateral crural strut, septal extension, and tip), all work together to provide a more symmetric and projected framework.

Septorhinoplasty is usually the final surgery for a patient born with a cleft lip. A few things combine to create common complaints 1) Inherently different/less growth potential 2) Asymmetric and/or abnormal attachments of muscles and ligaments 3) Bony asymmetries 4) Scar tissue 5) Abnormal blood and lymphatic flow These inevitably lead to problems breathing, and often thick and scarred nasal … Read More