Asian Eyelid Surgery FAQs Answered by Dr. Law
Asian Eyelid Surgery Before & Afters
Fort Worth Asian Eyelid Surgery by Dr. Law
Asian eyelid surgery (aka an Asian blepharoplasty, ethnic eyelid surgery, an ethnic blepharoplasty, double eyelid surgery) is a plastic surgery procedure that targets the upper eyelids. The goal of an Asian blepharoplasty is to create a double eyelid for a patient with a single one (i.e., monolid). Surgeons create a double eyelid by adding a visible crease to the single eyelid. When compared with other ethnicities, individuals of East Asian descent are more likely to inherit a monolid, which is why this procedure is referred to as Asian eyelid surgery. At Law Plastic Surgery in Dallas, near Fort Worth, Texas, Asian men and women can attain an eyelid crease from a top plastic surgeon. By creating or enhancing a patient’s understated crease, Dr. Huay-Zong Law provides his patients with the eye characteristics they desire. Dr. Law finds that once his patients attain the aesthetic features they desire, their confidence level increases, which improves their self-esteem.
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Why Do Men and Women Choose To Have Asian Eyelid Surgery Near Fort Worth, Texas?
Most individuals choose to have a cosmetic surgery procedure to enhance the way they look. This is the same reason why someone of Asian descent decides to have Asian eyelid surgery near Fort Worth, Texas.
There Are Three Types of East Asian Eyelids
East Asian eyelids can be divided into three categories, a single eyelid, a low eyelid and a double eyelid. Categories are based on whether the individual has an eyelid crease and, if there is a crease, its position on the lid.
Eye characteristics that Dr. Huay-Zong Law addresses with Asian eyelid surgery include:
Narrow eyes
– Asians tend to have narrow eyes, Dr. Law addresses this eyelid characteristic by lengthening the inner and outer corners of the eye.
Small eyes
– many people of Asian descent have eyes that, when compared to their other facial features, appear small.
Eyelid hooding
– excess skin and fat can result in the disruption of an existing upper eyelid crease. Individuals who have a monolid with eyelid hooding may have eyes that appear as if they are only slightly open, which makes them look sleepy.
A monolid
– Dr. Huay-Zong Law creates a crease in the upper eyelid using sutures or by removing excess fat and skin from the upper eyelid.
A low eyelid crease
– Dr. Law can perform an anterior levator ptosis surgery to move the upper eyelid crease to a position higher on the patient’s lid.
Sleepy-looking eyes
– by allowing the patient’s eyes to open wider, his or her eyes look brighter. Therefore, after surgery, the patient appears more awake.
Difficulty displaying emotions
– the eyes serve as a means for displaying emotion. However, when an individual has monolids and epicanthal folds, this form of expression is limited. Nonetheless, with a combination Asian eyelid surgery and epicanthoplasty procedures, Dr. Huay-Zong Law creates the patient an eyelid crease and opens up his or her eyes. These changes make it easier for the patient to show joy, distress, fear and anger with his or her eyes.
Addressing eyelid variations
– there are times when a baby is born with a monolid on one eye and double eyelid on the other. Dr. Law can address this issue by creating the patient a crease on the upper eyelid that does not have one. Although this may seem like an easy task that any plastic surgeon can perform, individuals should keep in mind that the crease the surgeon creates must match the crease that already exists on the other eye.
Other issues that surgeons may address during ethnic eyelid surgery include reducing the epicanthal fold (aka Mongolian fold) and modifying the strained fibrous banding that hampers the patient’s ability to open his or her eyes wider. In addition, the surgeon can lengthen the inner corners, as well as the outer corners of the patient’s eyes, which subtly alters the shape and tilt of his or her eyes.
What Is a Monolid?
About 50% of the people who are of East Asian descent inherit a monolid and epicanthal fold. Monolid is the medical term for a single eyelid. When someone has single eyelids, his or her upper eyelids do not have a visible crease (i.e., a supratarsal crease).
What Is a Double Eyelid?
Double eyelid is the medical term that refers to an upper eyelid with a visible supratarsal crease.
Is Asian Eyelid Surgery a Safe Procedure?
As with any procedure, complications may arise, however, patients can decrease their likelihood of experiencing a complication by choosing an experienced plastic surgeon to perform his or her double eyelid surgery.
The surgeon an individual selects must have extensive experience performing the Asian blepharoplasty. Surgeons who only have experience performing traditional upper eyelid surgery are not a good option for someone seeking Asian eyelid surgery near Fort Worth, Texas.
Asian eyelid surgery is the most common aesthetic procedure that plastic surgeons in South Korea and Taiwan perform.
Is Asian Eyelid Surgery a Procedure Designed To Westernize the Asian Eye?
The goal of an Asian blepharoplasty is not to Westernize the eyes, but instead, to enhance the patient’s eye characteristics while maintaining the unique aspects of the Asian eye.
How Do the Asian and Caucasian Eyelids Differ?
One variation between the Asian eyelid and those of Caucasians is the amount of fat present in the upper eyelid. Asians have more eyelid fat than Caucasians do. Therefore, during an Asian blepharoplasty, cosmetic surgeons remove this excess fat, which helps the patient’s eyes appear larger.
Asians develop an epicanthal fold more frequently than Caucasians do.
Asians frequently have eyelid hooding near their epicanthal fold. This hooding covers the medial canthus (i.e., inner corner of the eye).
Factors that contribute to the development of an epicanthal fold include:
- Age
- Medical conditions (e.g., Turner syndrome, Fetal alcohol syndrome, PKU syndrome and Down syndrome)
- Genetics
Functional Issues That Asian Eyelid Surgery Can Address
Besides using his artistic vision to create patients the aesthetic changes they desire, Dr. Huay-Zong Law also addresses functional issues.
Functional issues that Dr. Law addresses with eyelid surgery include:
Eyelashes that have turned inward and are scratching the eye
– if the lashes on the upper eyelid turn inward, the eye may become irritated. In addition, the individual’s lashes may scratch the surface of the eye. In order to decrease the likelihood of developing a corneal ulcer and eye infection, seeking the assistance of an experienced surgeon is vital. Individuals who choose not to seek medical care are putting their ability to see at risk.
– ptosis refers to a condition in which the upper eyelid droops. If the eyelid droops low enough, it can compromise an individual’s peripheral vision. During ptosis surgery, Dr. Huay-Zong Law lifts the droopy eyelid. If ptosis does affect an individual’s vision, insurance may cover a portion of this procedure.
Why Would Individuals Who Are Not of Asian Descent Develop Monolids?
People of all ethnicities can develop monolids. When it comes to ethnicities besides East Asian, a monolid may develop as a complication following eye surgery. An individual may also develop a monolid as he or she ages.
Who Does Dr. Law Consider an Ideal Candidate for Asian Eyelid Surgery Near Fort Worth, Texas?
Dr. Huay-Zong Law considers men and women who have at least one monolid, are healthy, and want to have a visible upper eyelid crease good candidates for double eyelid surgery.
What May Disqualify Someone From Being Eligible for Double Eyelid Surgery Near Fort Worth, Texas?
Asian eyelid surgery is an ideal treatment for many people. However, an Asian blepharoplasty is not the perfect solution for every patient.
People who might not be candidates for an Asian blepharoplasty include individuals who have:
- Dry eyes
- Thyroid disease
- Bulging eyes
- Diabetes
- Clotting disorders
- Glaucoma
Individuals who are unable to cooperate during surgery are also not good candidates for an Asian blepharoplasty near Fort Worth, Texas.
Addressing a Monolid Near Fort Worth, Texas
Dr. Huay-Zong Law uses the open surgical technique or the suture method to create his patients the double eyelid they desire.
Who Is a Good Candidate for the Suture Method?
Individuals who have thin eyelid skin are the best candidates for the suture method.
Who Is a Good Candidate for the Open Surgical Technique?
Individuals who have thick eyelid skin, excess skin or thick eyelid muscles are usually good candidates for the open surgical technique.
Adjunctive Eyelid Procedures That Complement an Asian Blepharoplasty Near Fort Worth, Texas
Double eyelid surgery is often performed in combination with other plastic surgery procedures that can enhance and slightly modify the patient’s eye shape.
During the initial consultation, the patient informs Dr. Law what he or she would like to accomplish. Once Dr. Huay-Zong Law understands what the patient desires, discusses which plastic surgery procedures and cosmetic treatments can meet his or her needs.
Potential add-on procedures include:
A Lower Blepharoplasty (aka Lower Eyelid Surgery)
A lower blepharoplasty is a plastic surgery procedure that addresses aesthetic issues beneath the eyes. These issues include dark circles, fine lines, puffiness and wrinkles. Since Dr. Law can perform an Asian blepharoplasty and lower eyelid surgery during the same surgical session, some of his patients decide to have both of these eyelid surgery procedures.
A Medial Epicanthoplasty
A medical epicanthoplasty is a good option for individuals who have a highly visible Mongolian fold.
During a medial epicanthoplasty, Dr. Huay-Zong Law contours the inner corner of each eye. He accomplishes this by removing the excess skin that is responsible for creating the epicanthal fold. He also modifies the strained fibrous banding, which determines how wide a patient can open his or her eyes.
Following a medial epicanthoplasty, the inner corner of the patient’s eye looks bigger. The modified banding allows the patient to open his or her eyes wider, which causes the individual’s eyes to appear longer and more vibrant.
What Can Dr. Law Accomplish With a Lateral Canthoplasty?
During a lateral canthoplasty, Dr. Huay-Zong Law opens up the outer corner of each eye, which makes the eyes appear longer and larger. Should the patient desire, Dr. Huay-Zong Law can also slightly change the shape and tilt of his or her eyes during the lateral canthoplasty.
Ptosis Repair During Asian Eyelid Surgery Near Fort Worth, Texas
Ptosis occurs when the Müller’s and levator muscles of the upper eyelid weaken. If a patient has ptosis, Dr. Huay-Zong Law can perform ptosis repair surgery at the same time as his or her Asian blepharoplasty procedure. Ptosis repair makes the eyes appear larger and more vibrant. In addition, repairing a droopy eyelid can help prevent the forehead wrinkles that develop due to the consistent raising of the eyebrows.
An Asian Eyelid Surgery Consultation Near Fort Worth, Texas
When patients arrive for surgery, they need to complete several forms. In order to complete this task, Dr. Law requests that his patients arrive approximately 15 minutes prior to their appointment time.
On their registration forms, patients must provide Dr. Law with accurate information regarding their vitamin, herbal supplement and medication use. This information is crucial because Dr. Law wants to make sure that any medication he provides the patient before, during or after surgery will not interact with the patient’s current medication, vitamin and supplemental use.
Patients also have to inform Dr. Huay-Zong Law of their previous surgical procedures and treatments. In addition, if the patient has a chronic condition (e.g., diabetes, cardiac disease, hypertension), for the safety of the patient, Dr. Law must know.
It is vital that patients who have allergies to latex or a specific medication inform Dr. Huay-Zong Law of these allergies, otherwise, the patient’s safety may be at risk.
If a patient smokes traditional cigarettes, cigars, a pipe or e-cigarettes, these products must be discontinued before his or her Asian eyelid surgery procedure. Additionally, if a patient participates in recreational drug use, please let Dr. Law know. He needs to know the type of drug, the amount the patient takes, as well as how frequently he or she participates in this activity. All the information patients provide is confidential.
The goal of the initial consultation is for the surgeon and the patient to discuss what he or she would like to accomplish. Dr. Huay-Zong Law takes the information the patient provides, as well as information he gathers during the consultation, to determine his or her candidacy for eyelid surgery.
Dr. Law examines the individual’s eyes, as well as his or her tear ducts and eyelids.
Patients who have ptosis that they would like Dr. Huay-Zong Law to address should have a test to check their peripheral. If their peripheral vision is compromised due to the drooping of an upper eyelid, insurance should cover a portion of the cost to resolve this issue.
At this time, Dr. Law may take a variety of measurements.
If Dr. Huay-Zong Law determines that the patient is a good candidate for the suture method, open eyelid surgery or any other procedure, and he or she decides to move forward, Dr. Law or a team member takes photos targeting the treatment areas.
Each Patient Receives a Personalized Surgical Treatment Plan
The examination results, measurements and photos provide Dr. Law with the references he needs while creating the patient’s personalized surgical treatment plan.
Preparing for Asian Eyelid Surgery Near Fort Worth, Texas
After having an ethnic blepharoplasty, patients return home.
Since patients receive twilight anesthesia, they are unable to drive for at least 24 hours. Therefore, on the day of surgery, the patient requires a driver.
Although Dr. Huay-Zong Law prefers that his patients have a caregiver for several days after their Asian blepharoplasty, he realizes that this can be difficult. For this reason, he requests that, if nothing else, his patients have an overnight caregiver on the day of their eyelid surgery.
14 Days Before an Asian Blepharoplasty Near Fort Worth, Texas
Patients must discontinue the use of products that contain nicotine for at least 14 days before Asian eyelid surgery. It is vital that patients follow this recommendation because nicotine makes it hard for the body to heal. Nicotine negatively affects the ability of the blood to flow through the arteries and veins. Without proper blood flow, the healing process slows, which increases the patient’s likelihood of developing an infection.
Patients need to take about a week off work or school.
For the 14 days leading up to their ethnic eyelid surgery, patients should avoid having any type of dental work or medical procedures (e.g., magnetic resonance imaging [MRI]).
In addition, patients must not have any cosmetic treatments during this two-week timeframe.
7 Days Before Surgery, Patients Must Refrain From Taking Certain Medications, Vitamins and Herbs
Patients can prevent excess bleeding during and after surgery by refraining from the use of specific herbs, medications and vitamins.
Medications that thin the blood include:
- Blood thinners like warfarin, which is the generic form of Coumadin
- Aspirin and medications containing aspirin (e.g., Excedrin®)
- Ibuprofen
- Aleve® (aka Naproxen sodium)
- Motrin® and Advil® (these products contain ibuprofen)
- Non-steroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs)
If a patient needs pain medication during the 7 days leading up to surgery, he or she can take non-aspirin (e.g., acetaminophen, Tylenol).
Vitamins to discontinue taking include:
- Vitamin E
- Fish Oil
Herbs to stop taking include:
- Ginger
- Ginkgo Biloba
- St. John’s Wort
Prescription Medication: What Patients Need To Know
Patients taking prescription medication must never discontinue taking these medications or even reduce their dose without first speaking with their physician.
The Night Before the Patient’s Surgery
At midnight, patients must discontinue eating or drinking, this includes water. Patients who must take medication during this time of fasting must speak with Dr. Law. Dr. Law can help the patient determine if he or she should go ahead and take the medication with a very small sip of water.
What To Expect on the Day of Asian Eyelid Surgery
Directly before surgery, Dr. Huay-Zong Law wants to know which medications, vitamins and herbs the patient is taking.
Dr. Law provides patients with some instructions to follow on the day of surgery.
Pre-surgical Instructions:
- Patients need to wear loose-fitting, comfortable clothing.
- The top the patient wears must button, snap or zip in the front. This prevents the patient from reaching above his or her head to put the shirt on.
- Keep the contacts at home and wear eyeglasses instead.
- Do not wear makeup or apply lotion, especially around the eyes.
- Remove nail polish.
- Do not bring jewelry or any other valuables on the day of surgery.
What Do Patients Need To Bring on the Day of Surgery?
The majority of health insurance companies deny coverage for Asian blepharoplasty procedures, nonetheless, Dr. Huay-Zong Law encourages patients to go ahead and bring their insurance cards with them. In addition, patients must bring a picture ID (e.g., a driver’s license).
Can Patients Use a Transportation Company After Their Asian Eyelid Surgery Near Fort Worth, Texas?
Patients must bring someone they know and trust with them on the day of their surgery to serve as their driver. Using a transportation company is not recommended because patients are vulnerable after their surgery. Furthermore, the patient may need assistance getting into and exiting the vehicle, as well as entering the home. Individuals who transport people from one location to another are not likely to assist a passenger in this way. As such, for safety’s sake, and to ensure his patients have the assistance they require after surgery, patients must arrive with their personal driver. Dr. Huay-Zong Law reschedules patients who neglect to bring a driver with them on the day of surgery.
Preparing for Asian Eyelid Surgery Near Fort Worth, Texas
During an Asian blepharoplasty, Dr. Law needs the patient to open and close his or her eyes. Therefore, patients must remain coherent during their surgery. Nonetheless, about half an hour before their surgery, patients receive oral medication. The medications that patients receive allow them to relax and remain comfortable during their double eyelid surgery procedure. Dr. Huay-Zong Law needs his Asian eyelid surgery patients to open and close their eyes so he can measure their eyelids.
The Procedure Steps for Asian Eyelid Surgery at Law Plastic Surgery Near Fort Worth, Texas
Despite whether the patient is having the suture method to create a supratarsal crease, or open eyelid surgery to create the crease in the upper lid, the first thing that Dr. Law does is numb the patient’s upper eyelids. He accomplishes this with Xylocaine or lidocaine.
To make sure the patient remains as comfortable as possible during his or her eyelid surgery, Dr. Huay-Zong Law applies a topical numbing medication to the white part of the eye (i.e., the sclera).
Open Eyelid Surgery: The Procedure
- Dr. Law measures and then marks the patient’s upper eyelids.
- He makes an incision where he previously created the eyelid markings.
- Dr. Huay-Zong Law makes room for the patient’s new eyelid crease by removing the excess fat and muscle.
- Once he is happy with the result, Dr. Law uses stitches to close the incisions.
About a week after the patient’s surgery, he or she returns to Law Plastic Surgery in Dallas, near Fort Worth, Texas, so Dr. Huay-Zong Law can remove these stitches.
How Dr. Law Creates a Double Eyelid Using the Suture Method
- After measuring the patient’s upper eyelid, Dr. Huay-Zong Law uses a medical marker to make several vertical lines on the lid.
- Between the vertical lines he creates, Dr. Law marks entry points.
- Dr. Huay-Zong Law makes a small incision at each entry point.
- Through these tiny incisions, he removes a very small amount of fat.
- Dr. Law places a suture through each of these openings.
- He gently tightens the sutures.
Barring any unforeseen complications, these sutures are permanent.
Recovering From Asian Eyelid Surgery
Before patients head home with their driver, Dr. Huay-Zong Law provides each patient with ointment and eye drops. Either he or one of his assistants demonstrates how the patient should use these products.
Patients should expect their eyes to feel heavy. This sensation usually disappears a few days after surgery.
Inflammation and bruising are common side effects following an Asian blepharoplasty.
Patients can use Tylenol to reduce any inflammation and bruising that is present after surgery.
Dr. Law may prescribe medications or recommend non-prescription medications to reduce the discomfort patients feel after surgery.
For several days after surgery, to decrease swelling, patients should use extra pillows to keep their head above their heart, even as they sleep.
Following Dr. Huay-Zong Law’s instructions after surgery helps the body heal properly and reduces the likelihood of the patient experiencing a complication.
A trivial amount of swelling and a slight discoloration of the skin surrounding the eye are normal side effects of double eyelid surgery.
Patients can reduce these symptoms by:
- Using several pillows to keep their head elevated.
- Applying cold compresses to the inflamed areas reduces inflammation. Patients can accomplish this by dampening a clean piece of gauze in ice water before placing it over the eyelids.
The length of time a patient’s inflammation lasts varies from a couple of weeks to several months.
Following Asian eyelid surgery, patients must not perform strenuous activities until Dr. Law releases them to do so. Lifting heavy objects or spending time in the sun must be avoided.
For several weeks following their surgery, patients must refrain from wearing eye makeup (e.g., mascara, eyeliner, eye shadow).
Open Eyelid Surgery: The Patient’s Follow-up Appointment
Patients who have open eyelid surgery must return to Law Plastic Surgery to have Dr. Huay-Zong Law remove their stitches.
Although pain following an Asian blepharoplasty procedure is minimal, patients can take ibuprofen or acetaminophen to ease their discomfort.
Unless told otherwise, patients can shower, wash their hair and gently wash their face the day after surgery.
The majority of Asian blepharoplasty patients begin to participate in social activities about 3 weeks after their surgery.
The Results
Although the patient can clearly see the eye changes resulting from his or her Asian eyelid surgery at about the 3-month mark, most patients state that they continue to see improvements until they reach the 6-month mark.
Possible Complications Associated With Asian Eyelid Surgery Near Fort Worth, Texas
As with every cosmetic treatment or surgical procedure, there is always a possibility of the patient experiencing a complication. Nevertheless, although patients need to understand the risks associated with eyelid surgery, as long as an experienced surgeon performs the procedure, complications following Asian blepharoplasty procedures are rare.
Potential risks include:
- Dry eyes
- Difficulty closing the eyelids all the way
- Infection
- Irritation
- Bleeding
- Visible scarring
- Temporary issues associated with vision
- Skin discoloration
- An uneven result
- Excessive bruising
- Sensitivity to light
- A fading eyelid fold
- A droopy upper eyelid
- Discomfort
- Pain
- A negative reaction to products or medications the surgeon uses during a patient’s eyelid surgery procedure
If a patient is bleeding within the orbit of his or her eye, it can cause a retrobulbar hematoma to develop. A retrobulbar hematoma occurs when pressure is placed on the optic nerve. If this complication occurs, patients need to seek medical attention because retrobulbar hematomas typically require surgical intervention.
Choosing an experienced cosmetic surgeon in Dallas, near Fort Worth, Texas, can decrease the likelihood of an Asian eyelid surgery patient encountering a complication.
What Does Asian Eyelid Surgery Near Fort Worth, Texas, Cost?
Individuals who are considering an Asian blepharoplasty must contact Law Plastic Surgery to schedule themselves an initial consultation. It is during this consultation that Dr. Law determines the cost of an individual’s surgical procedure.
Some factors that determine the cost of eyelid surgery include:
- The amount of fat sculpting the patient needs.
- Whether or not the patient needs Dr. Huay-Zong Law to perform muscular repair.
- The complexity of the procedure.
Is an Asian Blepharoplasty Near Fort Worth, Texas Covered By Health Insurance?
Some patients will have ptosis repair during their Asian blepharoplasty procedure. Insurance usually covers ptosis surgery as long as it is considered a medical necessity.
Dr. Huay-Zong Law performs plastic surgery procedures to provide individuals in and around Dallas, including those in Fort Worth, Texas, with the features they desire. He frequently performs Asian eyelid surgery. If you have monolids, and you are considering double eyelid surgery, Dr. Law is ready to help. To schedule an initial consultation at Law Plastic Surgery in Dallas, please contact Dr. Law’s office today at 972-331-1900.
The Dallas address for Law Plastic Surgery is 7777 Forest Ln. Dr. Law’s office is in Building C, Suite 528.
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