Asian Eyelid Surgery
(Double Eyelid)




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Asian Eyelid Surgery FAQs Answered by Dr. Law


Dallas Asian Eyelid Surgery (Double Eyelid Surgery)

Many times, the way an individual feels can be determined just by looking into his or her eyes. Since the eyes display a variety of emotions (e.g., happiness, sadness, anger and fear), they provide a way for people to express themselves. This ability makes the eyes one of the most distinguishing features of the face. However, due to the absence of an eyelid crease, some people of Asian descent are unable to effectively display their emotions in this way. Today, Asians in and around Dallas who would prefer to have eyes that appear larger are addressing this characteristic with Asian double eyelid surgery (aka an Asian blepharoplasty, ethnic blepharoplasty). At Law Plastic Surgery, Dr. Huay-Zong Law is a board-certified, highly experienced plastic surgeon in Dallas who helps men and women attain the facial characteristics they desire.

Does Asian Double Eyelid Surgery in Dallas Westernize the Eyes?

Many of Dr. Laws’ Asian patients ask this question because there are very few people of Asian descent who want him to make their eyes appear more Westernized. To maintain the unique aspects of the patient’s eye, Dr. Law creates the incision or places the sutures for his Asian double eyelid surgery patients close to the lash line. By placing the incision lower on the eyelid, Dr. Law can provide the patient with the perfect amount of eyelid show. This technique allows him to complement the beautifully unique ethnic characteristics of the patient’s face.

Defining Features of the East Asian Eyelid

Approximately 50 percent of East Asians inherit the monolid (i.e., single eyelid, epicanthal fold) characteristic. Besides the lack of an eyelid crease, when compared to the eyelids of a Caucasian, there are other structural differences present.

Structural differences include:

  • Since an individual of Asian descent usually has eyelids that contain more fat, his or her eyelids are thicker than those of a Caucasian.
  • Another difference is the hooding of the eyelid skin near the epicanthal fold, which is the fold at the corner of the eye that is closest to the nose.

Why Do Asian Men and Women in Dallas Choose to Have Double Eyelid Surgery?

Some Asians are unhappy with the unique characteristics of their eyelids because they believe the inherited monolid tends to make them look worn-out, sleepy or disengaged. During an ethnic blepharoplasty, Dr. Law uses his artistic vision and expertise to create his patient a double eyelid, successfully eliminating these unwanted eye characteristics.

Asians Also Have Double Eyelid Surgery in Dallas to Address Functional Issues

Dr. Law also uses an ethnic blepharoplasty to address functional issues with the eyelid.

Functional issues Dr. Law< addresses with double eyelid surgery in Dallas:

  • Sometimes the upper eyelids droop and compromise an individual’s vision. During a blepharoplasty, Dr. Law lifts the patient’s eyelid, thus eliminating this problem.
  • An individual’s eyelashes on the upper lid may turn inward towards the eye. Besides irritating the eye, the lashes scratch its surface. If a corneal ulcer develops, an infection may result, which can be detrimental to the patient’s vision, potentially resulting in blindness.
  • There are times when an individual is born with one monolid and one double eyelid. As an experienced plastic surgeon, Dr. Law can perform eyelid surgery on the monolid to make the patient’s eyes match.

Although Asians are more inclined to experiencing these eyelid issues than Caucasians are, anyone can develop these conditions. Many times these eye characteristics occur as an individual ages or when complications arise due to a previous eye surgery.

An Ethnic Blepharoplasty in Dallas: What Is It?

While there is nothing wrong with having monolids, some Asians state that they would like their eyes to appear larger. With an ethnic blepharoplasty, Dr. Law transforms his patients’ eyelids by reshaping the skin around their eyes and, if necessary, creating a crease in their upper eyelids. A blepharoplasty in Dallas also helps minimize the puffiness around the eyes that is responsible for making an individual appear tired.

Is Double Eyelid Surgery in Dallas Safe?

Yes, this is a safe surgery; however, as with every surgical procedure, complications can arise. For this reason, a patient needs to choose an experienced plastic surgeon to perform his or her double blepharoplasty. Choosing an experienced plastic surgeon can greatly decrease the patient’s risk of experiencing a complication during surgery and thereafter.

Benefits of a Blepharoplasty with Dr. Law in Dallas

After double eyelid surgery, the patient’s eyes look less puffy. His or her eyes no longer inaccurately display disinterest, sleepiness or that overall worn-out look. Eye makeup is easier to apply and more visible after application.

When considering patients who enjoy wearing eye makeup, since most of the major cosmetic brands and online makeup tutorials tend to target the Caucasian population, finding eye makeup and new application techniques for those of Asian descent can be challenging. Nonetheless, after double eyelid surgery in Dallas, patients find it much easier to follow online makeup tutorials and to apply various eye-enhancing products. After surgery, patients can start using the most popular eye products and creating the trending eye makeup looks that would have been difficult for them to execute prior to their Asian blepharoplasty in Dallas.

Who is a Good Candidate for An Asian Blepharoplasty?

Healthy men and women who would like to have Dr. Law create them double eyelids are usually good candidates for a blepharoplasty at Law Plastic Surgery in Dallas.

Is There Anyone who is Not a Good Candidate for An Asian Blepharoplasty in Dallas?

Although double eyelid surgery is a feasible treatment option for many of Dr. Laws’ patients, it is not the solution for everyone.

Individuals who may not be good candidates for double eyelid surgery include those who have:

  • Eyes that bulge.
  • Thyroid disease.
  • Clotting disorders.
  • Dry eyes.

In addition, Dr. Law only performs blepharoplasty procedures for those patients who are old enough to cooperate and recognize the potential complications and risks associated with this procedure.

There Are Two Asian Eyelid Surgery Techniques Available in Dallas

Dr. Law has two techniques to choose from when performing Asian double eyelid surgery, the suture method and the open method.

The suture method is the less invasive of the two; however, the only patients who are good candidates for this method are those with thin eyelid skin. Someone with thin eyelid skin usually experiences random, intermittent folding of his or her upper eyelids.

The open surgical technique is for individuals who have excess skin, thicker eyelid skin or muscle.

An Initial Consultation in Dallas for an Asian Blepharoplasty

Upon arrival, new patients fill out several registration forms, which is why Law Plastic Surgery requests that patients arrive about 15 minutes before their scheduled appointment. Patients need to provide information about any medications, vitamins and herbal supplements they take regularly. In addition, Dr. Law needs to know about any ongoing medical conditions (e.g., hypertension, diabetes) as well as previous surgeries or medical treatments. If the patient has allergies to a particular medication or to latex, has experienced an adverse reaction during surgery or following a particular treatment, please let Dr. Law know. All the information requested is important; therefore, please provide accurate information.

During this appointment, Dr. Law:

  • Reviews the patient’s medical history and asks what he or she wants to accomplish with an ethnic blepharoplasty. Once he understands the patient’s goals, Dr. Law examines and takes measurements of the patient’s eyelids.
  • He performs a thorough eye exam to determine the patient’s vision status.
  • Dr. Law may test how effective the patient’s tear gland is at producing tears and check to make sure the tear duct is clear.
  • He also takes a variety of photos of the patient’s eyes from different angles. Dr. Law refers to these photos while creating the patient’s custom-designed Asian double eyelid surgery procedure plan.

Once these tests and examinations are complete, Dr. Law knows which type of eyelid procedure will serve the patient better, the open or the closed version.

Preparing for An Asian Blepharoplasty in Dallas

Patients need to find a driver and a caregiver. The caregiver needs to remain with the patient for at least 24 hours following his or her eyelid surgery.

Two weeks prior to surgery:

During the two weeks before Asian double eyelid surgery, patients should not have any medical procedures, dental work or cosmetic treatments performed.

Patients who use products that contain nicotine (e.g., traditional cigarettes, e-cigarettes, chewing tobacco) need to discontinue using them for at least two weeks before their surgery. Following this recommendation is crucial because nicotine negatively affects the body’s ability to heal, which could lead to the development of an infection and scarring.

Avoid sun damage to the skin by using a sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30 while spending time outside.

A week before surgery:

For at least a week before surgery, patients must refrain from using medications, herbal supplements and vitamins that are known to thin the blood.

These products include:

  • Aspirin.
  • Combination medications that contain aspirin (e.g., Excedrin®).
  • Coumadin (aka warfarin).
  • Naproxen sodium (aka Aleve®).
  • Ibuprofen (e.g., Advil® and Motrin®).
  • Other non-Steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).
  • Vitamin E.
  • Ginger.

Patients who need to take a pain medication during the week before their double eyelid surgery in Dallas can safely take acetaminophen (aka non-aspirin/Tylenol).

For safety’s sake, please keep in mind that patients should never reduce the dose of or stop taking prescription medications or physician recommended medications without first speaking with the doctor who is prescribing or recommending it.

The Night Before Surgery

Starting at midnight, patients must avoid all food and drink, including water. If the patient needs to take medication during this time, he or she needs to let Dr. Law know. Chances are that he will allow the patient to take their medication with a small sip of water.

The Day of Surgery: What Patients Need to Know

This is an outpatient procedure, therefore, the patient returns home shortly after surgery. Since this is a surgical procedure on the eyelids, patients need to bring a driver with them on the day of their double blepharoplasty.

Before surgery, patients need to let Dr. Law know about any medications they are currently taking.

Dr. Law provides patients with some instructions for the day of surgery. Following these instructions reduces the likelihood that there will be a delay in starting surgery.

Pre-surgical instructions include:

  • On the day of their double eyelid surgery, patients need to wear comfortable, loose-fitting clothes. The top should not need to be slipped over the patient’s head but instead must need to be removed with buttons, snaps or a zipper.
  • Do not bring valuables or wear jewelry.
  • Wear eyeglasses instead of contacts.
  • Do not apply any makeup to the face, especially around the eyes.
  • Remove nail polish.

What patients need to bring with them:

  • Although most health insurance companies consider the Asian blepharoplasty a cosmetic procedure, Dr. Law still encourages his patients to bring their health insurance cards with them on the day of their surgery. If the patient is having this surgery due to a visual obstruction caused by the eyelids, the insurance may cover a portion of his or her procedure after all.
  • Patients also need to bring a picture ID or driver’s license with them.
  • Since patients are unable to drive themselves home after their surgery, they need to bring a driver with them.

Instead of Bringing a Driver, Can a Patient Just Use a Transportation Service?

Following surgical procedures, Dr. Law does not permit his patients to use any transportation services. This policy ensures that a driver or some other passenger using the same transportation cannot take advantage of his patients while they are in a somewhat vulnerable state.

Eyelid Surgery in Dallas Procedure Steps

Patients remain awake during eyelid surgery because a patient who is under general anesthesia is unable to open and close his or her eyes. Therefore, approximately 30 to 45 minutes before surgery begins, the patient receives oral medication (e.g., Diazepam and Tylenol). These medications help the patient remain relaxed and comfortable throughout the procedure. Even though the patient remains awake, pain during this procedure is minimal.

Having the patient open and close his or her eyes during surgery is vital because Dr. Law needs to measure the eyelids several times during the procedure.

An Asian Blepharoplasty with Dr. Law in Dallas: The Procedure

Before the open and the suture blepharoplasty procedures, Dr. Law numbs the upper eyelid using lidocaine or Xylocaine. To make sure the patient remains comfortable throughout the procedure, he also places a topical numbing medication on the sclera, which is the white part of the patient’s eye.

Procedure Steps for Open Double Eyelid Surgery

  1. Dr. Law measures and marks the upper eyelid.
  2. He creates an incision in the area he previously marked.
  3. To make room for the new crease, he removes excess fat and muscle.
  4. Dr. Law uses stitches to close the incision. He removes these stitches about a week after surgery.

Procedure Steps for the Suture Double Eyelid Surgery Method

  1. Dr. Law measures the upper eyelid and then uses a special medical marker to create a series of vertical lines on it.
  2. He marks entry points between these vertical lines.
  3. At each of these entry points Dr. Law creates a tiny incision, removes a minuscule amount of fat and then places a suture through the opening.
  4. He carefully tightens the sutures. These sutures remain in place.

Recovering From a Double Blepharoplasty in Dallas

Directly following surgery, the patient should expect his or her eyes to feel heavy. This sensation lasts for several days.

Patients receive eye drops and ointment, Dr. Law or one of his medical assistants will inform the patient how to use these products.

Patients who had open eyelid surgery need to return to Law Plastic Surgery to have their stitches removed. A member of Dr. Law’s medical staff usually schedules this appointment for the patient before he or she leaves the recovery area.

Pain is minimal; nonetheless, if necessary, patients can take acetaminophen or ibuprofen to ease any discomfort.

Patients can wash their hair, shower and even gently wash their face.

Mild inflammation and slight discoloration are normal side effects following eyelid surgery.

Patients can help reduce the swelling and visible discoloration by:

  • Keeping their head elevated. While sleeping, patients can prop their head up using a couple of pillows.
  • Gently applying a cold compress to their eyes. Dr. Law recommends that patients take a piece of clean gauze and dip it into ice water, then wring it out before placing it on the eyelid.

Inflammation can last just a couple of weeks or remain for several months. Generally, swelling lasts longer for patients who are prone to experiencing inflammation due to allergies or some other medical issue that causes the eyes to swell. Bruising usually fades a few weeks after surgery.

Restrictions include:

  • Do not lift heavy objects or participate in strenuous activities.
  • The incisions must heal completely before the patient spends any time in the sun.

Potential Complications and Risks of Double Eyelid Surgery

Every surgical procedure has risks and potential complications to consider.

Possible risks and complications of eyelid surgery include:

  • A crease that is placed too high on the eyelid.
  • Infection.
  • Excess bruising.
  • Light sensitivity.
  • Dry eyes.
  • A negative reaction to the different products used during surgery.
  • Pain.
  • Bleeding underneath the eye. This bleeding can cause bruising or hemorrhaging.
  • A drooping eyelid.
  • An uneven crease.
  • Fading of the eyelid fold.
  • Bleeding in the orbit of the eye. This bleeding can put pressure on the optic nerve (i.e., retrobulbar hematoma). If this occurs, the patient needs to seek medical assistance right away because this complication usually requires surgical intervention.

The best way to reduce the risk of experiencing a complication is to choose an experienced plastic surgeon like Dr. Law. During each initial consultation, he discusses the possible side effects, risks and complications of an ethnic blepharoplasty with the patient.

How Much Is Asian Double Eyelid Surgery at Law Plastic Surgery in Dallas?

Dr. Law realizes that each patient is unique, which is why he creates personalized treatment plans. To find out how much eyelid surgery will cost, Dr. Law needs to evaluate the individual considering the procedure. To learn more about how much the procedure costs, please schedule a consultation at Law Plastic Surgery in Dallas by calling (972) 331-1900.

At Law Plastic Surgery, Dr. Law performs a variety of procedures designed to help men and women attain the aesthetic features they desire. One procedure that he performs for his Asian patients is double eyelid surgery. If you have monolids, but you would like to have double eyelids, Dr. Law is here to help.

To schedule your initial consultation with Dr. Law, please call (972) 331-1900 today. Dr. Law and his entire medical staff dedicate themselves to providing each patient with the safest and highest quality of care available in the Dallas area. Law Plastic Surgery’s Dallas address is 7777 Forest Lane, C-528.


Asian Eyelid Surgery FAQs

Another surgeon left me with asymmetric eyelids, what can we do?

So, asymmetry of the eyelid is very difficult to address. It's a matter of millimeters or even sub millimeter differences. And so the key is understanding the anatomy, understanding what the problem is and then addressing this with very fine, meticulous attention to detail.

What is different about the Asian eyelid?

So, the Asian eyelid is different anatomically. Classically that super tarsal fold, that fold right above the margin of the eyelid, tends to be weaker or completely absent. The skin and the fat are also thicker and so there are certain differences in the technique to achieve the results someone's going for.

What is my downtime after my Asian Eyelid surgery?

So after Asian eyelid surgery, often you take off of work for about that first week, especially if you're doing a lot of work on computers or a screen. You will have a suture in place that will need to be taken out, normally between five and seven days. I like to give at least two weeks to begin wearing eye makeup again, making sure the incisions are all well healed and so most people feel presentable by even that two week mark.

When can I exercise after my Asian Eyelid surgery?

So, exercise after surgery, typically at two weeks you could start some light cardio, see how you're feeling, and then at four weeks, full cardio, full weightlifting and at six weeks you're back to full activities.

Will I have stitches to take out after my Asian Eyelid surgery?

So, after eyelid surgery, normally there's at least one stitch or one suture that needs to be removed. After surgery, oftentimes there are stitches on the inside that are absorbable and then a few stitches on the outside that come out between five and seven days.



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