Male Breast Reduction Before & After Photos

Male Breast Reduction Before & After Case 1

Gynecomastia affects the majority of men at various points in life.

In some cases, this improves as hormones become more balanced after adolescence, or medications causing this are stopped.

For this man, he has a pituitary tumor causing high prolactin levels. This elevates the risk for breast cancer. He had also failed medical treatment and multiple surgeries to treat infections.

We performed mastectomy with a general surgeon given the risk of cancer, and tailored the reconstruction of his chest at the same time.

Male Breast Reduction Before and After Photo. Surgery performed in Dallas, TX at Law Plastic Surgery.

Male Breast Reduction Before and After Photo. Surgery performed in Dallas, TX at Law Plastic Surgery.

Male Breast Reduction Before and After Photo. Surgery performed in Dallas, TX at Law Plastic Surgery.

Male Breast Reduction Before and After Photo. Surgery performed in Dallas, TX at Law Plastic Surgery.

Male Breast Reduction Before and After Photo. Surgery performed in Dallas, TX at Law Plastic Surgery.

Male Breast Reduction Before and After Photo. Surgery performed in Dallas, TX at Law Plastic Surgery.

Male Breast Reduction Before & After Case 2

He lost over 100 pounds and was ready for some contouring.

His main goals were improving his gynecomastia (overdevelopment of breast/chest tissue in men) and the extra skin of his abdomen.

For the gyencomastia, when there is a greater amount of skin to remove, I favor an incision hidden along the natural inferior fold of the pectoralis.

The nipple/areola remain attached to a dermal pedicle, and that helps to minimize the chance of pigment loss, and is more reliable than free nipple graft.

I was also able to remove loose skin, ncluding old surgery scars on his abdomen.

Some tightening of the core muscles was done, with more focus on tailoring towards a more masculine V-shaped torso than a feminine hourglass.

In addition to fitting more confidently in clothes, he can more comfortably exercise and go about his daily activities.

As a reminder, a tummy tuck is NOT a primary weight loss procedure. The intra-abdominal fat we all have around our organs is a no-fly zone. For that, weight loss through diet, exercise, medication, and/or bariatric surgery is needed.

Male Breast Reduction Before and After Photo. Surgery performed in Dallas, TX at Law Plastic Surgery.

Male Breast Reduction Before and After Photo. Surgery performed in Dallas, TX at Law Plastic Surgery.

Male Breast Reduction Before and After Photo. Surgery performed in Dallas, TX at Law Plastic Surgery.

Male Breast Reduction Before and After Photo. Surgery performed in Dallas, TX at Law Plastic Surgery.

Male Breast Reduction Before and After Photo. Surgery performed in Dallas, TX at Law Plastic Surgery.

Male Breast Reduction Before and After Photo. Surgery performed in Dallas, TX at Law Plastic Surgery.

Male Breast Reduction Before & After Case 3

Gynecomastia treatment depends on a patient’s anatomy.

Excess fat –> liposuction
Excess glandular tissue –> excision
Excess skin –> excision and redraping

After massive weight loss, this man had excess skin with poor chances of contracting back down, so excision of both skin and glandular tissue was performed through this scar along the inferior insertions of the pectoralis muscle, for a more masculine contour.

The nipple-areolar complex was left attached to a dermal pedicle to maximize blood flow and viability. This in turn reduces the chance of changes in pigmentation or loss of the nipple if a free nipple graft doesn’t survive well.

Liposuction at the margins helped feather the edges to smooth the transition where the direct excision stopped.

The scar is maturing as expected, and will continue to soften and fade over 12-24 months.

Male Breast Reduction Before and After Photo. Surgery performed in Dallas, TX at Law Plastic Surgery.

Male Breast Reduction Before and After Photo. Surgery performed in Dallas, TX at Law Plastic Surgery.

Male Breast Reduction Before and After Photo. Surgery performed in Dallas, TX at Law Plastic Surgery.

Male Breast Reduction Before and After Photo. Surgery performed in Dallas, TX at Law Plastic Surgery.

Male Breast Reduction Before and After Photo. Surgery performed in Dallas, TX at Law Plastic Surgery.

Male Breast Reduction Before and After Photo. Surgery performed in Dallas, TX at Law Plastic Surgery.

Male Breast Reduction Before and After Photo. Surgery performed in Dallas, TX at Law Plastic Surgery.

Male Breast Reduction Before and After Photo. Surgery performed in Dallas, TX at Law Plastic Surgery.